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Functions of Business


Functions Of Business
Functions Of Business

Functions of Business



Functions performed by a businessman are briefly explained in the following lines. A businessman is not required to perform each and every aspect of these functions personally. He may delegate authority to his employees and make them responsible to perform as much of these functions as he thinks fit.

1. Financing and Risk Taking

Without finances no business can be done. It is primary responsibility of an entrepreneur to provide necessary finances to his business. At the same time an entrepreneur assumes the risk that if the business turns out to be unsuccessful he will bear the loss. In other words, a businessman undertakes responsibility to pay all business expenses even if the business funds are insufficient and he is required to pay out of his personal assets or to borrow additional funds.

2. Magnagin

Managing means getting things done through others. A businessman employs a team of workers and he is responsible for creating an environment in which the workers work efficiently. Even if a business is too small to employ any worker and the businessman performs everything himself, still he is required to perform some of the managerial functions. As a manager, a businessman performs following functions:

(i) Planning

A plan is a course of action to be taken in future. Businessman sets. objective of his business and of various departments of the business and identifies practical steps to be taken to achieve them.

(ii) Organizing

 Organizing means creating and defining roles of members of an organization. Businessman creates positions or jobs in his organization, determines responsibilities of each of the positions and by means of authority responsibility relationship he connects these positions with one another.

(iii) Staffing

Process of filling and keeping filled by suitable personnel the positions created in an organization is called staffing. For this purpose a businessman takes such steps as human resource planning, recruitment, selection, orientation, training and development, performance evaluation, rewards, etc.



(iv) Directing

Directing is telling members of an organization what to do and ensuring that they do it to the best of their abilities. This function of a businessman is concerned with guiding, influencing, supervising and inspiring personnel by means of communication, motivation and leadership to accomplish desired objectives.

(v) Controlling

Controlling means ensuring that everything is working in the organization as it should. It involves setting standards of performance, measuring actual performance, and making corrections and adjustments where the deviations occur. 3. Marketing.

3. Marketing

 is a process of determining needs and wants of target market and delivering the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors2. Marketing is regarded as the most challenging function of a businessman because in a business it is only marketing that generates revenues³. Marketing function of a businessman revolves around following points:

(i) Product

 A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that satisfies a want or need. It includes physical objects, services, places, organizations and ideas. With reference to product a businessman decides and executes strategies regarding product mix, branding, packaging, new product development etc.

(ii) Price

Price is value of a product expressed in monetary terms. Pricing is considered as a key activity because price is one of the most important determinants of a company's market share and profitability. Pricing involves such decisions as setting the prices, initiating and responding to changes in the prices, policies regarding discounts and allowances etc.

(iii) Distribution

 This aspect of marketing is concerned with moving products and their ownership from producers to consumers. It involves such activities as selecting and operating channel of distribution and managing physical distribution of products.

(iv) Promotion

Promotion means communication with target market to create and stimulate the demand i.e. communication with present and potential customers to inform and persuade them. It includes such tools as advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity, public relations etc.

 4. Purchasing

Sales and profitability of business concerns largely depend upon effective purchasing. While performing purchasing function a businessman is concerned with such factors as quantity, quality, price, terms of payment, packing, terms and time of delivery of goods etc.

5. Inventory Management

Inventory management means maintaining a balanced inventory. In other words, inventory management means keeping as much inventory that neither it is too low that results in stock out nor it is too high that denote inefficient use of capital. Inventory of a business may consist of thousands of items; therefore, inventory management requires careful attention of the businessman. This function also includes provision of suitable storage facilities i.e. warehousing.

6. Production/Operations Management

Production is creation of goods and services. Production activities that go on in the organization are often referred to as operations. Operations management is the term used to denote management of any aspect of the production system. Apart from day to day management of production system, while performing this function, the businessman is required to devote his attention to such factors that increase quality of products and efficiency of production process.

7. Accounting

Managing a business is a matter of making decisions. In order to make sound decisions, the decisions should be based on accurate, pertinent and timely information. Accounting is an information system that provides businessman with a information necessary to manage his business. It enables the businessman to records in a systematic manner the transaction taking place in his business, to know the results of its operations, to ascertain its financial position, to exercise control over its operations, to make estimates and forecast, to prepare plans, to evaluate alternative courses of action, etc.

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